
OptimaLab receives an Amazon ARA + a Microsoft Research award!
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Our paper on Negative Sampling in Semi-Supervised Learning is accepted at the ICML conference this year (Vienna, Austria).

Abstract. We introduce Negative Sampling in SemiSupervised Learning (NS3L), a simple, fast, easy to tune algorithm for semi-supervised learning (SSL). NS3L is motivated by the success of negative sampling/contrastive estimation. We demonstrate that adding the NS3L loss to state-of-the art SSL algorithms, such as the Virtual Adversarial Training (VAT), significantly improves upon vanilla VAT and its variant, VAT with Entropy Minimization. By adding the NS3L loss to MixMatch, the current state-of-the-art approach on semi-supervised tasks, we observe significant improvements over vanilla MixMatch. We conduct extensive experiments on the CIFAR10, CIFAR100, SVHN and STL10 benchmark datasets. Finally, we perform an ablation study for NS3L regarding its hyperparameter tuning.